Permanent VISA KITAP
If you have a plan to permanently reside in Indonesia, we highly recommend obtaining a Permanent Stay Permit (KITAP). While this visa may have certain complexities, our dedicated immigration team is here to assist you and make your dream of staying in Indonesia a reality.
Who might want a permanent visa (KITAP)?
KITAP, or permanent stay permit, is a highly sought-after permit that offers significant advantages to foreigners looking to establish their lives in Indonesia. Acquiring a KITAP can be a challenging process, as it can only be applied for after obtaining a KITAS (limited stay permit) and extending it multiple times. Unlike other stay permits in Indonesia, the KITAP is valid for five years. If there are no changes to the expat's status after five years, the visa is automatically extended, although a new card may need to be applied for.
What are the benefits of KITAP?
KITAP offers significant advantages, including the freedom to stay in Indonesia without the need for annual stay permit extensions or visits to the immigration department. Moreover, with a KITAP, you can enjoy various benefits such as the ability to apply for an Indonesian ID with a five-year validity, a local driver's license (SIM), access to a bank account, credit cards, and loans. Additionally, you will be entitled to local prices for tourist attractions and a MERP (multiple exit/re-entry permit) with a validity of two years, granting you the flexibility to enter and exit the country as desired. If you are married to an Indonesian citizen, you may also be eligible for joint ownership of a property.
Who is eligible?
You are eligible to apply for a KITAP if you meet any of the following criteria:
If you are married to an Indonesian citizen.
If you hold a position as an investor, director, or commissioner in an Indonesian company.
If you are planning to retire in Indonesia.
If you are an Indonesian regaining your citizenship.